well that was overdue …

107 days after last being on a bike and 90 days after a knee fracture – yesterday saw me out on a bike at long last. There wasnt really a choice of bikes to take – only the Vulcan with it’s ‘foot forward’ controls made sense the leg isnt quite good eough to make the angle on the others comfortable.

The weaher was reasonable so I headed off for some of the backroads of Cheshire and a coffee stop at Jeppos one of my regular roadside coffee stops.

It was better than good to get back on a bike – and if the weather is decenti n the next few days I’ll probably head off somewhere – although a quick look at the forecasts last night wasnt especically promising. The riding position of the Kawasaki was just fine for my knee (and actually less strain on the knee than driving a car), so all in all it went well – although I suspect it may be a  short while before I get on the other bikes. In the meantime I’ve posted a few pictures in the gallery below from a ride that felt like it was a long time overdue.

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You can catch up on recent posts with any of the links below:

96 days and counting

Good service

Road to recovery

Still not out on the bikes

Sorrento/Amalfi Road

Continued progress

Small Steps Forward

Doctors Orders

Sometimes you just want to swear

She’s a beauty