motorcycle travel book …

There are a couple of posts on this Blog about a book I wrote and self published earlier this year (2016) – WHAT IF YOU DON’T BREAK DOWN

Since then a few people have asked me how is the book doing and are you writing another, so I thought I would answer that with this Blog post.

About the book and a short video

Although the book is published on the Amazon Kindle Store its can be read in a number of other formats and can be downloaded to iPads, other tablets and mobile phones etc.

In the book, I recall in travelogue style a 5,000 mile trip I took  when I traveled across Northern Spain, down the Mediterranean side of Italy to Pompeii and then onto the Sorrento/Amalfi coast to fulfill a dream.

After that it was up the Adriatic side of Italy, in and out of the Apennines, onto the Gulf of Venice and into Slovenia for a few days, before eventually heading back via Northern Italy, Germany, Luxembourg etc.

One of the things that I wrote about in the book was when i biked on the Sorrento/Amalfi road, in some respects it was that road that was the focus for the trip, there’s a short video on that section  posted here

What do people say about it.

I’m delighted to say that reviews that have been posted are complimentary and encouraging, I have included a couple of extracts  below.

One reviewer wrote: A lovely read. It was great to be allowed on the journey with the author and, with the cold biting outside, be transported to the heat of an Italian coastal road, or a Languedoc vineyard, stopping at a local bar for a nice cold beer. Descriptions are effective and not over done. They give a real feel of what it was like on the trip.I have been left hankering to visit the Pyrenees and travel the roads so wonderfully described.

Whilst another said: I’m not a biker, but I do travel a lot so this really interested me. The author is clearly an experienced biker and knows his stuff. The book is a compact account of a recent road-trip to various places in and around Europe, Italy being the highlight. Its ‘blog’ style will be of interest to anyone interested in making their own way to really beautiful places that don’t involve package holidays, organised travel, foam parties or airport baggage security checks at 4.30 in the morning. If you enjoy travel but don’t enjoy either being herded like sheep or lying in the sun, then this just might be the read for you. Being your own boss in addition to the experience of seeing some truly inspiring places, you get a real sense from the book of the sheer joy the author derives from riding awesome sports bikes. To the extent that despite being a non-biker, I really do have a taste for a proper mid-life crisis: 50 year old man buys large Ducatti – that kind of thing.

How well is the book doing and are you doing another?

As to how its doing … the short answer is it’s doing alright. It’s not completely straightforward to work out how many books there are in the Kindle Store at any given moment as it varies by time and location. In the UK it’s probably around the 1.5 million mark. Based on sales, books move up and down on a pretty constant basis, my book has been as high as around the 11,000 mark and is normally anywhere between 15,000 and 25,000 and at the time of writing this post it was around the 14,000 mark.

I’m currently part way through another motorcycle travel book and hope to have it published before the end of the year.

So if you enjoy reading my Blog, have an interest in travel and/or bikes, why not check it out, you may well enjoy it.

You can find it here