BMW RnineT looking good in black & white

BMW RnineT looking good in black & white

I accept that with many things beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, and I suppose that motorbikes are no exception. I find that with the BMW RnineT it’s a bike that I really like the look of no matter which angle I view it from and no matter whether it’s clean or dirty.

Regular visitors to this blog will know that I have had this bike for a while and I love it.

The 1,170 cc of RnineT boxer engine is just superb for lazy sunny day rides for a coffee as well as being superb when you feel like upping the tempo on the back roads – and of course you really can tour on a bike like this as well – check out this post from a Spain/Portugal trip, which is a trip that probably gets in my top three European trips of all time.

Doesn’t float my boat but …

There are also a few pictures of the simply massive BMW R18 that I saw at weekend in the Williams BMW (Manchester showroom).

At the same time as being able to appreciate the sheer presence of this bike – to be honest it’s not a bike that floats my boat in terms of ownership, although I can imagine it might be interesting to ride it at least once.

I have also included a couple of pictures of the RnineT scrambler – and as with the R18 it just doesn’t quite do it for me – and it’s not a colour I would go for, BUT I know there are plenty of people who love the bike and the colour. Ultimately there is no right or wrong, we like what we like and sometimes it’s not always for logical reasons – but we’re all bikers so who cares?

There’s a set of pictures in the gallery at the end of this blog post from the weekend – many of which are in black and white … and it still looks good (well it does in my opinion)


Weather permitting I’m hoping to get away for a few days towards the end of this month and I really fancy hitting some Scottish roads on the RnineT… but there again I really fancy hitting some Scottish roads on the F800R, I’ll let you know in due course which bike won out (assuming I get away for a few days)

Picture gallery

Clicking on any off the images  below will open a picture gallery  that you can click poor scroll  through.