For most of my life January has probably been my least favorite month of the year, and that despite it being the month I have my birthday. In my younger days the chore of going back to school after the Christmas and New Year holidays was never welcome, nor was the trudging to and from school in the cold. In more recent years the return to work after the break always left me wishing I was still on leave and as much as I enjoyed my job, January always seemed to drag on and on.
But … now that I am no longer in paid employment I have seen January from a new perspective and earlier today when I was out walking it made me think that actually January really is a pretty good month after all.
Daily walks of five or six miles in the crisp air and sharp cold are a joy – sort of makes me wish I had been able to quite earlier… I’ve posted some pictures below from this mornings stroll.
Hi Tony, Only just got around to checking emails and seeing your posts….am recovering from a nasty bout of pneumonia which knocked me sideways these past 2 weeks, first day up and about…didn’t know you had the same birth month as myself …but are you a Capricorn (the lucky ones who look younger as they grow older) or an Aquarian (The one’s who know everything, inventive and smart)..I’m a bit of both being on the ‘Cusp’ as they say…my 72nd being next Thursday…Nice to see you enjoying the ‘great outdoors’…sorry to hear about your new bike..take care, older bones break much easier !!
Hello George, sorry to hear you have been unwell – trust you are now on the mend … well I am a Capricorn but neither inventive or smart! The bike off was a stupid one really and I had only had it a couple of weeks but all was soon repaired thanks to the guy I mentioned in my Blog post. Best wishes for your birthday next week. Cheers Tony