Some years ago, and I can’t recall quite how many but probably about 20 or so I used to make quite a bit of home brew wine – both from kits and from ‘country’ recipes. At the time my motivation was probably two fold – quite enjoy a glass of wine and it was a pretty cheap thing to do – which was helpful when money was tight.
Now money isn’t tight, our wine racks have been constantly well stocked for years but what I do have is more time to indulge a few interests, so I have decided to return to wine making.
I’ve had to re-stock on some equipment and the first item was this superb floor standing corker, today I’ve just started the first four gallons…
I’m going to need to re-new a few bits and pieces and although I wont be producing at micro brewery levels I intend to give it a decent go
If you need us to store some in our cellar we are more than happy to help….
hmm … that’s most generous of you
I don’t think they’ll last long enough to be stored.
Blimey…that brings back you, when dosh was tight. Still, an interesting and ‘fruitful’ (pardon the pun) retirement hobby.
and it seems that some of the key changes since I last did this (20 or so years ago) are that there is a much better and wider range of equipment and ingredients (not surprisingly I suppose)